This January marks the debut of the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S25 series, but the wave of new smartphones doesn’t stop there. Just weeks after Samsung’s first Unpacked event, ASUS has officially confirmed that the Zenfone 12 Ultra will be launching on February 6.
ASUS took to X to confirm and tease the upcoming Zenfone 12 Ultra. While the teaser doesn’t give away much, it does emphasize the phone’s camera capabilities. Like many smartphones today, the Zenfone 12 Ultra will make heavy use of AI to enhance the mobile photography experience.
From the small details in the teaser graphic, it looks like the Zenfone 12 Ultra’s camera will be capable of shooting longer-form videos in 4K resolution. This suggests it will come with ample storage to support high-quality footage, paired with a powerful camera. The phrase “Locked On” likely refers to the phone’s AI-powered ability to track moving subjects with ease.
Aside from those details, everything else about the upcoming smartphone is still a mystery. If anything, though, it certainly sounds like it’s shaping up to be a flagship device.
One intriguing detail from the teaser is what’s missing: instead of highlighting the entire series, the focus is solely on the 12 Ultra. It’s still unclear whether there will be more variants in the series or if the Zenfone 12 Ultra will be the only model.
The wait won’t be too long, though—February 6 is just around the corner.