Apple is reportedly planning to bring the same display technology found in the MacBook Pro to its next-gen MacBook Air, according to a report from The Elec. This means the Air will feature an oxide TFT LCD panel, rather than the much-anticipated OLED display that some users were hoping for.
This development is a bit of a letdown for those who were expecting the OLED panel to debut in the MacBook Air by 2027. While the new display tech will likely offer a quality viewing experience, it won’t provide the same vibrant colors and deeper contrast that an OLED screen could deliver.
MacBook will have Nex-Gen Oxide TFT Technology
The reason behind Apple’s decision to stick with an oxide TFT LCD panel for the next-gen MacBook Air is largely due to the high cost of OLED technology, especially in the laptop market. OLED displays are still quite expensive to produce, and this is reflected in the price of devices like the iPad Pro, which has seen lukewarm sales. The hefty price tag, partly driven by the OLED screen, may have contributed to the device’s lackluster performance in the market.
Apple seems to be using oxide TFT LCDs as a temporary solution, a more affordable option until it can figure out how to lower the production costs of OLED panels. By making this choice, the company aims to keep the MacBook Air more budget-friendly while still offering a solid display experience, without pushing the price too high for most consumers.
According to the report, OLED MacBook Airs might not arrive until around 2029, giving Apple time to perfect the technology and reduce costs.
In the meantime, the oxide TFT LCDs set for the next-gen MacBook Air offer significant improvements over the current amorphous silicon TFTs. These panels provide faster electron mobility, resulting in smoother visuals and better overall performance. We’ve already seen the benefits of this technology in the latest MacBook Pros.