Indian leaker Ishan Agarwal has revealed that the S Pen for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra will lose certain features, according to information from retailers. This claim is still unconfirmed by other sources, so it remains a developing story.
For context, the S Pen in the Galaxy S24 Ultra can be used for gestures and remote camera control via Bluetooth. These capabilities allowed users to perform gestures for navigation and take photos remotely using the S Pen as a Bluetooth remote. However, Agarwal suggests that these features will not be present in the S25 Ultra’s version of the S Pen.
Speculation surrounding this change has led to the theory that Samsung may be removing these features as a cost-cutting measure. The omission could also eliminate the need for charging the S Pen in the device’s S Pen slot, which would simplify the overall design. However, this change may not have a significant impact on battery life for the Galaxy S25 Ultra. While removing these features could reduce power consumption slightly, it is more likely that Samsung removed them to reduce the weight of the device.
Interestingly, the feature of controlling the camera remotely with the S Pen is not frequently used, so some users may not feel the loss of this functionality. However, for those who relied on these features, it may be seen as either a downgrade or a change that impacts the user experience.
What do you think about the S Pen losing these features? Does it affect your interest in the Galaxy S25 Ultra, or do you feel the changes are minor? Only time will tell whether this will become a notable shift for Samsung users.